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For you, our neighbors and all of Franklin County to thrive, our infrastructure must be dependable and reliable including clean drinking water, sanitary sewage treatment, safe county roads and broadband access. 

Leveraging funding from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) will provide an unprecedent opportunity for Franklin County to access federal funds for necessary investments in aging water, failing sewer and under- or unserved broadband infrastructure.   Local water providers like Farmdale, Elkhorn, Peaks Mill, and US 60 Water Districts are not part of Franklin County government and rely on receipts from customers to maintain their aging infrastructure.  Customers served by the Farmdale Sanitation District, also not part of Franklin County government, are concerned about outdated and failing equipment at the nine treatment plants serving their county neighborhoods.   Franklin County government will be making funds available so that these Stand Alone Special Purpose Governmental Entities (SPEG) can address system outages and interruptions, alleviating some of the expenses that, in the past, would have been paid by the customers.


Aging Water & Sanitation Infrastructure

"We, the people of Franklin County, have to drive our community’s future."

Shifting work and school from in person to online put a spotlight on the importance of access to high-speed broadband internet service.  Many areas of Franklin County are under and unserved making attending school, keeping up with homework and staying on par with their classmates impossible.  Improving broadband access will increase educational and vocational opportunities, as well as access to virtual healthcare providers at a time when opportunities for in person meetings are limited.  Putting broadband in under and unserved arears of Franklin County can open new doors to a variety of creative educational and economic development strategies.   

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